Why “Reclamation”?

How did we choose our name?

The intersection of faith and sexual/gender ethics have been thrust to the forefront of cultural wars in our society.  Business, schools, and communities are deemed safe places, which either embrace and affirm sexual and gender inclusivity or conversely places are labeled as judgmental and discriminatory if they are not accepting of love.  Reclamation is a community space where these seemingly opposed and dichotomous views can be explored in a genuine, authentic and safe environment.  The grace of Christ is the foundation of those complex conversations in Reclamation.

The church and traditional views of marriage, gender, and sexuality as expressed in scripture have been characterized by many as being unloving and harmful.  Too often conversations surrounding these issues have become a place where dogmatic views are expressed without an understanding of the unique challenges that individual souls are wrestling with.  Reclamation is a place where the individual and their journey is given the highest priority and conversations and dialogue about these matters are person centered.  This group embraces an unwavering understanding of God’s unique and individual love for each and every individual soul.

Reclamation seeks to bring Grace and unconditional love to these conversations with empathic humility.  We understand that when moral guidance from scripture is applied without mercy the message is lost.  Too often well-intentioned persons within communities of faith have used scripture as a weapon to villainize individuals who are confused regarding the messages that they are receiving from their bodies.  Therefore, exploring issues of sexuality and gender is not allowed and individuals are forced to examine themselves in isolation.  This is a dangerous road when trying to hear the voice of God in their own story and therefore many feel only the voice of judgment.  Reclamation is a place where questions and contemplation of how the message from scripture seems to be confusing for those struggling with issues of sexuality and gender identity is safe to be re-examined. 

Tolerance is a popular term in our culture and its definition has evolved to closely resemble love. We are certainly called to be loving and respectful of our neighbor but we can confess truth in a way without accepting immoral views.  Reclamation we hope would certainly be described as tolerant, diverse, and loving but perhaps in a different manner than the way those terms are used in our culture.  Reclamation was established to be a place of peace for souls that feel incongruence with their bodies and their faith.  We hope to be bearers of Peace within a world that is constantly attempting to articulate truth as a guide for decisions about our lives. This peace is intended to be a gift to the individual who may feel a civil war inside themselves.  If you find yourself feeling torn between opposing voices in your body, mind, and soul then Reclamation is a place to search for peace that transcends understanding.